Recipe: Yummy Homemade tempoyak/asam durian

Homemade tempoyak/asam durian. Cara buat Asam Durian Tempoyak Viral #tempoyak #durian #homemade #malaysia. Tempoyak or asam durian (Jawi: تمڤويق) is a Malay condiment made from fermented durian. It is usually consumed by the ethnic Malays in Maritime Southeast Asia, notably in Indonesia and Malaysia.

Homemade tempoyak/asam durian The word asam which translate to "sour" describes its fermentation Besides its functions as food preservative, fermented durian also serves as a natural food flavoring. The addition of asam durian into chili paste. This popular Malaysian condiment is made with salted durian fruit that is left to ferment at room temperature for at least two days. Hello mommy.Kali ini kita memiliki Resep Homemade tempoyak/asam durian. Resep ini memiliki 1 Bahan utama, dan 3 cara memasaknya.

Resep Homemade tempoyak/asam durian

  1. Siapkan 1 buah durian,ambil buah nya saja.

Tempoyak is rarely eaten on its own, but it is often incorporated into curry-based dishes or served as an accompaniment to vegetables and rice. Fermented durian, or tempoyak , is a traditional condiment in Malaysia and Indonesia often mixed with coconut milk curries or pounded with chilies into a spicy dip. "Hey you know they are serving durian tempoyak over there," he said, pointing across the street at a restaurant. Bahan utama tempoyak adalah durian masak pohon atau durian yang agak berair. Daging buah durian perlu dihaluskan dan diberi garam agar Teksturnya lembek dengan rasa asam yang khas.

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